ASCII art The venerable figlet program, a true mainstay of ASCII art, is able to render ASCII fonts. If you don't know what that could possibly mean: /) , , /) /) /) , /) _/_(/ _ _ _ // // _ // _ __ // (__/ )__(_/_)_ (_(/ _(_(/_(/_ (__(/_(_(_/[...]

~ Tuesday, March 30, 2010 0 comments

Origami Swan

Origami is a magic stage illusion with a Japanese paperfolding theme that was designed by Jim Steinmeyer. In the 1980's Illusion builder John Gaughan refined the concept and constructed the first version for Doug Henning. The magician displays a 12-inch cube that sits on top and near[...]

~ Monday, March 29, 2010 0 comments


Design is the planning that lays the basis for the making of every object or system. It can be used both as a noun and as a verb and, in a broader way, it means applied arts and engineering (See design disciplines below). As a verb, "to design" refers to the process of originating and developing a plan for a product, structure,[...]

~ Sunday, March 28, 2010 0 comments

Best Design of The Crocodile Leather Desk

Best design of the crocodile leather desk. The desk is very elegant for your daily work or your business. Design this desk is not wow! but the idea is briliant..!! I like the desk and the acessoris. I think, this desk cool for place in your room . Inovatif and creatif for the desk in design world ever[...]

~ Sunday, March 28, 2010 0 comments

Staircase Design

Staircase Design and Decoration Information The staircase is a permanent feature of interior design. It is not a part of the house that can be changed easily when you feel like redecorating. Therefore if you are building a new home careful consideration[...]

~ Sunday, March 28, 2010 0 comments


This is a New Day for me. Because I am start to write on my blog wall. I am happy be able to back at blogger. The New Day is very importent to me and my family. I have a daughter her name is Farras Mukita Rabi'i. She is beautiful not like her mother, hehe... Why?? Because she have pointed nose, so she is not like me. New Day begin[...]

~ Saturday, March 27, 2010 0 comments